I used to think that supervision was the coaching of coaches, until I experienced supervision first hand, I then realised it was much more than that. The word “supervision” in itself has an unusual connotation of someone looking over your shoulder and judging what you are doing.

Nobody really likes to be judged often we fear judgment, but all of these frames are part of a fixed mindset perspective.
What would happen if we reframe it all into a growth mindset? It only takes a hyphen to turn supervision into super-vision.
Because super-vision it is much more about having the courage to look beyond the obvious that is in front of us, into the shadows shimmering inside and around us.

Super-vision is finding the courage to embark in a journey on the wings of a fly with a million eyes and a 360 degrees field of view, moving fast from point to point, so that we can truly see who we are, how we relate with others, and why we do what we do.
Super-vision is not something that a supervisors do to us, Super-vision is becoming sensitive to what the world reflect back onto us and how do we respond to it.

Super-vision is about shining a light on our own limitations to find the courage to engage with our potential in the service of others.
Fabio is an executive coach and facilitator with Coreideas Ltd. http://www.coreideas.org
He believes in using the power of inspiring visions to pursue individual and organisational purpose.